hee hee





 said: Cigar, long hair, piercing stare….

Is this hot?

*cracks knuckles*

First of all, I’m the decider. I’m Ross, and I’m the boss. Where’s the beef? You didn’t build that. He’s no Jack Kennedy. Probably didn’t have sexual relations with that woman. Can this picture be improved? Yes, it can. You misunderestimate it. It’s morning again in America, mistakes were made, but I am not a crook. Tear down this wall. Have you no sense of decency, sir? At long last, have you left no sense of decency? 

So…is he hot or NOT!?!?


Also. I respectfully DENY your request to have duchovny marry natascha. He can only marry gillian. This natascha / gillian / david marriage would only work if they all lived in utah. And I don’t think they want to move there. And also this is making me think of the possibility of natascha and gillian making out and I don’t know how I feel about that. How do you feel about that?


Duuuuuude, I kinda agree with you. David and Gillian have a chemistry of their own and in some way they were kinda made for each other and I’d love nothing more than to see those fuckers together!
…buuuut after seeing and being addicted to Californication I really feel a little love between DD and Natascha. They look perfect together, they are both ridiculously gorgeous and the way they treat each other on screen and off screen is just so sweet that I could actually imagine those two together. 
He looks like he genuinely cares about her, and he just loves to make her laugh. I couldn’t find the interview but someone asked Matthew Perry not too long ago how he managed to be as funny as he was on Friends and he answered something like “have you ever looked at Courteney Cox? She’s beautiful, I just wanted to make her laugh as much as I could”. And that’s exactly how I see David talking about Natascha, I feel like he admires Natascha so fucking much. Not in a sexual context but as a human being, as the beautiful, talented, smart person that she is. And I’m not saying any of them are in love with each other or anything, but it’s such a beautiful thing you know? To work every fucking day with someone you genuinely care about and to keep trying to make her day as pleasant as it could/should be. Plus, I think David must have been a huge friend to Natascha during season 2 when her husband died. All of that makes me imagine them as couple. A ridiculously gorgeous and happy couple.
I think the whole unconfortable relationship that DD and GA had in the 90’s kinda affected my imagination a bit. Seeing them together last year on SDCC and NYCC made my life ‘cause I’d never imagine them being so confortable with each other like that!
And last, I feel very weird about Natascha making out with Gillian and that shit would definitely not work out. but i’m sure david would approve this motherfucker.

Firstly, DON’T DIS UTAH CARLA. Salt Lake City is amazing and if I could move back I would. Secondly, DON’T DIS UTAH MORMONS CARLA. Utah mormons are the best. They provide hours of entertainment. My best friend is a Utah mormon. Thank. You. Very. Much.

Thirdly, what are we talking about? OH YES! Keeping on the topic of Gillian and Natascha making out, I fully support a Plural Marriage. I read an moral ethetic argument in college that supported Plural Marriages and agruged it was the most feminist form of marriage because it allows women to have high powered careers, independance and larger families without having to sacrifice one for the other. And as Gillian are Natascha are definitely independant woman with demanding jobs and a handful of kids, plural marriage sounds like a good fit.

Gillian and David alone have too much baggage. But having a third person could provided neutral opinion in their arguments not mention a sympathetic ear.

Natascha and David alone would suffer from too much annoying David. He is uber cute with her and I agree with everything Jo says but I can see Natascha getting really annoyed with him easily if he annoyed her just a little too much. A second wife could spread out David’s annoyingness.

But having only two wives breeds jealousy. They would need another sister wife. They can find one here or here.